YMS has a wonderful tool called a ShopBot! It is a 4 X 8 computer controlled router table that you can make all kinds of wonderful things with. There is however a steep learning curve and the machine is expensive to operate and maintain. Users are required to take a certification orientation, or work with a certified member to use this tool.
1 time cost: $35
For more info contact: info@yakimamakerspace.org
$30.00 an hour - Schedule time on our CNC Router by emailing info@yakimamakerspace.org or kelly@yakimamakerspace.org
v-carveproOur shop-bot uses v-carve pro for design and to set up files to get them ready to cut. You can review software with their handy tutorials. Our YMS CAD computer has a licensed copy for membership to use. https://www.vectric.com/support/tutorials/vcarve-pro?playlist=TutorialCategories CNC Routing Basics: Tool paths and Feeds ‘n Speeds